5.1 Motion to Approve Increase to the General Fund Expenditure and Revenue Budgets
5.2 Motion to Appropriate Funds to/from the Tax Certiorari Reserves from/to the General Fund-Unassigned Fund Balance
5.3 Motion to Establish a Tax Certiorari Reserve Fund for Assessment Year 2020
5.4 Motion to Appropriate Funds to/from the Employee Benefit Accrued Liability Reserve Fund (EBALR) from/to the General Fund-Unassigned Fund Balance
5.5 Motion to Approve Appropriation of Funds from the General Fund-Unassigned Fund Balance to the Retirement Contribution Reserve Fund
5.6 Motion to Approve the Retirement Contribution Reserve Fund Proposed Five Year Use Schedule for Fiscal Years 2020-21 through 2024-25
5.7 Motion to Approve Appropriation of Funds from the General Fund-Unassigned Fund Balance to the Retirement Contribution Reserve Sub-Fund for Teachers’ Retirement System (TRS)
5.8 Motion to Approve the Retirement Contribution Reserve Sub-Fund for TRS Proposed Five Year Use Schedule for Fiscal Years 2020-21 through 2024-25
5.9 Motion to Approve the Debt Service Fund Proposed Five Year Use Schedule for Fiscal Years 2020-21 through 2024-25
5.1 Motion to Approve Increase to the General Fund Expenditure and Revenue Budgets
5.2 Motion to Appropriate Funds to/from the Tax Certiorari Reserves from/to the General Fund-Unassigned Fund Balance
5.3 Motion to Establish a Tax Certiorari Reserve Fund for Assessment Year 2020
5.4 Motion to Appropriate Funds to/from the Employee Benefit Accrued Liability Reserve Fund (EBALR) from/to the General Fund-Unassigned Fund Balance
5.5 Motion to Approve Appropriation of Funds from the General Fund-Unassigned Fund Balance to the Retirement Contribution Reserve Fund
5.6 Motion to Approve the Retirement Contribution Reserve Fund Proposed Five Year Use Schedule for Fiscal Years 2020-21 through 2024-25
5.7 Motion to Approve Appropriation of Funds from the General Fund-Unassigned Fund Balance to the Retirement Contribution Reserve Sub-Fund for Teachers’ Retirement System (TRS)
5.8 Motion to Approve the Retirement Contribution Reserve Sub-Fund for TRS Proposed Five Year Use Schedule for Fiscal Years 2020-21 through 2024-25
5.9 Motion to Approve the Debt Service Fund Proposed Five Year Use Schedule for Fiscal Years 2020-21 through 2024-25