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Roll call (11 Present, 0 Absent, 0 Excused)
President Kiernan called the meeting to order at 7:30 p.m. in the Superintendent's Conference Room at 18 Franklin Place, Pelham, New York 10803.
MOTION was made by Ms. O'Leary, seconded by Mr. Imperato and unanimously carried to go into executive session to discuss litigation (special education), collective negotiations pursuant to Article 14 of the Civil Service Saw (Pelham Teachers' Association),
and the employment history of a particular person and/or corporation.
MOTION was made by Ms. O'Leary, seconded by Mr. Cavanagh and unanimously carried to recess at 8:15 p.m., at which time the Board would reconvene in a public meeting in PMHS Alumni Hall.
Motion to Approve to reconvene in a public meeting. Moved by Mr. Imperato, seconded by Mrs. Gilland.
Vote to Approve to reconvene in a public meeting. (Approved)
Mrs. Kiernan called the meeting to order at approximately 8:16 p.m. in Alumni Hall, 575 Colonial Avenue, Pelham, New York. All stood for the Pledge of Allegiance. Mr. Cavanagh reiterated the executive session motions. Approximately ten members of the public and staff attended. Mrs. Kiernan welcomed everyone, sharing that that there was a lot to cover in tonight's meeting: preliminary budget, contract negotiations, task force reports, etc. She recognized the business office for its diligence in putting together the budget information, along with Mrs. Gilland and the Finance Committee for the new budget format. Mrs. Kiernan reminded everyone that they are invited to attend the upcoming line-by-line budget review in Alumni Hall on Saturday, March 1st.
6.1 Minutes of Regular Meeting of January 27, 2014
Motion to Approve the following: Moved by Ms. O'Leary, seconded by Mrs. Gilland.
Vote to Approve the following: (Approved)
9.1 Motion to Approve Pelham Teachers' Association Contract
Motion to Approve the following: Moved by Ms. O'Leary, seconded by Ms. Smith.
Vote to Approve the following: (Approved)
will - collaboration is the hallmarkof negotiations for a long time and we appreciate it.
7.1 Superintendent's Report
Mr. Giarrizzo gave his overview of the superintendent's proposed budget. He invited the community to the thoughtful, lin-by-line analysis scheduled for Saturday. March 1, beginning at 9:00 a.m. Mr. Giarrizzo reported that our strategic planning work is moving forward; shared current kindergarten registration numbers; noted two national merit finalists; contratulated the seniors on this year's talent show; complimented the varsity ice hockey team on winning the sectional title; thanked the Pelham Teachers' Association on their collaborative approach to their recent Memorandum of Agreement with the District; and encouraged anyone with questions about the preliminary budget to be in touch.
Mrs. Kiernan expressed the Board's appreciated to the Pelham Teachers' Association, calling them true partners in the recent negotiations. Mr. Frank Orfei, President of the Teachers' Association, extended his thanks to Mr. Giarrizzo, Mrs. Kiernan, the Board and his association members for the collabortion during a very difficult negotiation.
7.3 Google Apps for Education
Dr. Garcia and Mr. Tromblee continued the conversation they had with the Board at its last meeting about Google Apps for Education. The administrators summarized their first presentation to the Board, fielded questions and shared the draft time line for possible implemenation for this project. The Board's consensus was to move forward on this project.
7.2 Board of Education Committee Reports
Ms. O'Leary reported on the roles and responsibilities of the Excellence and Equity Committee and shared that they have been discussing several student issues.
Ms. Smith said that the next Board of Education coffee, sponsored by the Community Engagement Committee is scheduled on Wednesday, February 26 at 9 a.m. Topics will primarily be budget based. Also, the Advocacy Subcommittee is pushing forward on privacy issues and the Gap Elimination Adjustment. They are hoping parents will share our the Board's concern and send a letter to our Governor and legislators asking to please stop the GEA and restore state aid to the District.
Mrs. Gilland, as chair of the Audit Committee, said that they are reviewing the request for proposal for the external auditor at tomorrow's meeting. She complimented the business office on the beautiful budget book and hopes everyone will fine it user friendly.
Mr. Giarrizzo invited everyone to be a part of the budget process by attending the line-by-line budget review on Saturday, March 1, starting at 9 am in Alumni Hall. He said that he is proud to present this budget to the Board and encouraged the community to participate in the process.
7.4 Social Studies Task Force
Dr. Garcia introduced Mrs. Maria Thompson, Social Studies Supervisor, and commended her efforts in this position. Mrs. Thompson's presentation to the Board focused on the essential question, "How do we fulfill the recommendations of the Social Studies Task Force and pursue equity and excellence in Social Studies for all students?"
Mrs. Thompson spoke about the social studies task force timeline. She shared the goals of the group, defined some important vocabulary, spoke about metacognition, differentiated instruction, issues of equity and common core skills along with performance based assessments. Going forward, the task force will pursue goals, continue its k-5 work, monitor assessments and prepare for the Tri-State consortium revisit on May 13th. Mrs. Tompson responded to the Board's questions. They thanked her for her presentation.
7.5 Math Task Force Update
Dr. Garcia introduced Mrs. Jessica Vital who began her report with the recent history of math in Pelham. She then summarized the Math Task Force report from February 28, 2013, noting the suggestions that group hoped to be accomplished by June 2014. Dr. Garcia listed the efforts that were being followed to accomplish those suggestions. Mrs. VItale spoke about the Accessible Math (Leinwand) Book and how it impacted herself and the group. She listed the math program pilots and spoke about the rubric criteria used to evaluate them. Dr. Garcia listed the short term recommendations of this task force moving forward. Long term goals (2014-2015 and beyond) were also noted, as well as estimated textbook and professional development costs. Questions were then taken from the Board to which Mrs. Vital and Dr. Garcia responded.
Mrs. Kiernan called for public comment on this topic. Mrs. Kiernan thanked Mrs. Vital on her hard work.
7.6 Veterans' Tax Exemption Discussion
Mr. Rubbo said that the County, Town and Villages have already adopted this exemption and that he is working with the Town Assessor's office to see who might benefit and what, if any impact there would be to the taxpayers.
7.1 Superintendent's Report
Hearing none, Mrs. Kiernan moved forward on the agenda.
9.2 Motion to Approve Agreement with Frost Valley YMCA
Motion to Approve the following: Moved by Mr. Imperato, seconded by Mrs. Gilland.
Vote to Approve the following: (Approved)
9.3 Motion for Disposal of Obsolete Equipment
Motion to Approve the following: Moved by Ms. Smith, seconded by Mrs. Gilland.
Vote to Approve the following: (Approved)
9.4 Motion to Accept Donation
Motion to Approve the following: Moved by Ms. O'Leary, seconded by Mr. Imperato.
Vote to Approve the following: (Approved)
9.5 Motion to Approve Revised Calendar for 2013-2014 School Year
Motion to Approve the following: Moved by Mr. Imperato, seconded by Mrs. Gilland.
Vote to Approve the following: (Approved)
10.1 Motion to Approve Schedule A - Certificated Staff
Motion to Approve the following: Moved by Ms. O'Leary, seconded by Ms. Smith.
Vote to Approve the following: (Approved)
10.2 Motion to Approve Schedule B - Extra Duty Appointments
Motion to Approve the following: Moved by Mr. Recca, seconded by Mr. Imperato.
Vote to Approve the following: (Approved)
10.3 Motion to Approve Schedule C - Non-Instructional Staff and Teaching Assistants
Motion to Approve the following: Moved by Ms. O'Leary, seconded by Mr. Imperato.
Vote to Approve the following: (Approved)
10.4 Motion to Approve Schedule D - Committee on Special Education (Confidential)
Motion to Approve the following: Moved by Ms. O'Leary, seconded by Mr. Imperato.
Vote to Approve the following: (Approved)
10.5 Motion to Approve Schedule E - Salary Reclassification for Professional Staff
Motion to Approve the following: Moved by Mr. Imperato, seconded by Ms. Smith.
Vote to Approve the following: (Approved)
Mrs. Matthews announced that on Thursday, March 6th at 8:30 a.m. in the Pupil Personnel Services Confernce Room, there will be a meeting for parents of Pelham preschool children who have already been classified and who will be transitioning into our schools. It is a great opportunity to ask questions and talk about our programs.
Mr. Rubbo reminded any and all parents who are considering or intend to send a student to a school outside of the district as of this coming September, should fill out an application for transportation services and forward it to the district business office by the deadline of April 1, 2014.
Motion to Approve to adjourn at approximately 11:13 p.m. Moved by Ms. O'Leary, seconded by Mrs. Gilland.
Vote to Approve to adjourn at approximately 11:13 p.m. (Approved)
Feb 24, 2014 Regular Board of Education Meeting - Featuring: Superintendent's Budget Overview; Updates from Math Task Force, Social Studies Task Force and Google Apps for Education; Veterans' Tax Exemption Discussion
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Full agenda
Roll call (11 Present, 0 Absent, 0 Excused)
President Kiernan called the meeting to order at 7:30 p.m. in the Superintendent's Conference Room at 18 Franklin Place, Pelham, New York 10803.
MOTION was made by Ms. O'Leary, seconded by Mr. Imperato and unanimously carried to go into executive session to discuss litigation (special education), collective negotiations pursuant to Article 14 of the Civil Service Saw (Pelham Teachers' Association),
and the employment history of a particular person and/or corporation.
MOTION was made by Ms. O'Leary, seconded by Mr. Cavanagh and unanimously carried to recess at 8:15 p.m., at which time the Board would reconvene in a public meeting in PMHS Alumni Hall.
Motion to Approve to reconvene in a public meeting. Moved by Mr. Imperato, seconded by Mrs. Gilland.
Vote to Approve to reconvene in a public meeting. (Approved)
Mrs. Kiernan called the meeting to order at approximately 8:16 p.m. in Alumni Hall, 575 Colonial Avenue, Pelham, New York. All stood for the Pledge of Allegiance. Mr. Cavanagh reiterated the executive session motions. Approximately ten members of the public and staff attended. Mrs. Kiernan welcomed everyone, sharing that that there was a lot to cover in tonight's meeting: preliminary budget, contract negotiations, task force reports, etc. She recognized the business office for its diligence in putting together the budget information, along with Mrs. Gilland and the Finance Committee for the new budget format. Mrs. Kiernan reminded everyone that they are invited to attend the upcoming line-by-line budget review in Alumni Hall on Saturday, March 1st.
6.1 Minutes of Regular Meeting of January 27, 2014
Motion to Approve the following: Moved by Ms. O'Leary, seconded by Mrs. Gilland.
Vote to Approve the following: (Approved)
9.1 Motion to Approve Pelham Teachers' Association Contract
Motion to Approve the following: Moved by Ms. O'Leary, seconded by Ms. Smith.
Vote to Approve the following: (Approved)
will - collaboration is the hallmarkof negotiations for a long time and we appreciate it.
7.1 Superintendent's Report
Mr. Giarrizzo gave his overview of the superintendent's proposed budget. He invited the community to the thoughtful, lin-by-line analysis scheduled for Saturday. March 1, beginning at 9:00 a.m. Mr. Giarrizzo reported that our strategic planning work is moving forward; shared current kindergarten registration numbers; noted two national merit finalists; contratulated the seniors on this year's talent show; complimented the varsity ice hockey team on winning the sectional title; thanked the Pelham Teachers' Association on their collaborative approach to their recent Memorandum of Agreement with the District; and encouraged anyone with questions about the preliminary budget to be in touch.
Mrs. Kiernan expressed the Board's appreciated to the Pelham Teachers' Association, calling them true partners in the recent negotiations. Mr. Frank Orfei, President of the Teachers' Association, extended his thanks to Mr. Giarrizzo, Mrs. Kiernan, the Board and his association members for the collabortion during a very difficult negotiation.
7.3 Google Apps for Education
Dr. Garcia and Mr. Tromblee continued the conversation they had with the Board at its last meeting about Google Apps for Education. The administrators summarized their first presentation to the Board, fielded questions and shared the draft time line for possible implemenation for this project. The Board's consensus was to move forward on this project.
7.2 Board of Education Committee Reports
Ms. O'Leary reported on the roles and responsibilities of the Excellence and Equity Committee and shared that they have been discussing several student issues.
Ms. Smith said that the next Board of Education coffee, sponsored by the Community Engagement Committee is scheduled on Wednesday, February 26 at 9 a.m. Topics will primarily be budget based. Also, the Advocacy Subcommittee is pushing forward on privacy issues and the Gap Elimination Adjustment. They are hoping parents will share our the Board's concern and send a letter to our Governor and legislators asking to please stop the GEA and restore state aid to the District.
Mrs. Gilland, as chair of the Audit Committee, said that they are reviewing the request for proposal for the external auditor at tomorrow's meeting. She complimented the business office on the beautiful budget book and hopes everyone will fine it user friendly.
Mr. Giarrizzo invited everyone to be a part of the budget process by attending the line-by-line budget review on Saturday, March 1, starting at 9 am in Alumni Hall. He said that he is proud to present this budget to the Board and encouraged the community to participate in the process.
7.4 Social Studies Task Force
Dr. Garcia introduced Mrs. Maria Thompson, Social Studies Supervisor, and commended her efforts in this position. Mrs. Thompson's presentation to the Board focused on the essential question, "How do we fulfill the recommendations of the Social Studies Task Force and pursue equity and excellence in Social Studies for all students?"
Mrs. Thompson spoke about the social studies task force timeline. She shared the goals of the group, defined some important vocabulary, spoke about metacognition, differentiated instruction, issues of equity and common core skills along with performance based assessments. Going forward, the task force will pursue goals, continue its k-5 work, monitor assessments and prepare for the Tri-State consortium revisit on May 13th. Mrs. Tompson responded to the Board's questions. They thanked her for her presentation.
7.5 Math Task Force Update
Dr. Garcia introduced Mrs. Jessica Vital who began her report with the recent history of math in Pelham. She then summarized the Math Task Force report from February 28, 2013, noting the suggestions that group hoped to be accomplished by June 2014. Dr. Garcia listed the efforts that were being followed to accomplish those suggestions. Mrs. VItale spoke about the Accessible Math (Leinwand) Book and how it impacted herself and the group. She listed the math program pilots and spoke about the rubric criteria used to evaluate them. Dr. Garcia listed the short term recommendations of this task force moving forward. Long term goals (2014-2015 and beyond) were also noted, as well as estimated textbook and professional development costs. Questions were then taken from the Board to which Mrs. Vital and Dr. Garcia responded.
Mrs. Kiernan called for public comment on this topic. Mrs. Kiernan thanked Mrs. Vital on her hard work.
7.6 Veterans' Tax Exemption Discussion
Mr. Rubbo said that the County, Town and Villages have already adopted this exemption and that he is working with the Town Assessor's office to see who might benefit and what, if any impact there would be to the taxpayers.
7.1 Superintendent's Report
Hearing none, Mrs. Kiernan moved forward on the agenda.
9.2 Motion to Approve Agreement with Frost Valley YMCA
Motion to Approve the following: Moved by Mr. Imperato, seconded by Mrs. Gilland.
Vote to Approve the following: (Approved)
9.3 Motion for Disposal of Obsolete Equipment
Motion to Approve the following: Moved by Ms. Smith, seconded by Mrs. Gilland.
Vote to Approve the following: (Approved)
9.4 Motion to Accept Donation
Motion to Approve the following: Moved by Ms. O'Leary, seconded by Mr. Imperato.
Vote to Approve the following: (Approved)
9.5 Motion to Approve Revised Calendar for 2013-2014 School Year
Motion to Approve the following: Moved by Mr. Imperato, seconded by Mrs. Gilland.
Vote to Approve the following: (Approved)
10.1 Motion to Approve Schedule A - Certificated Staff
Motion to Approve the following: Moved by Ms. O'Leary, seconded by Ms. Smith.
Vote to Approve the following: (Approved)
10.2 Motion to Approve Schedule B - Extra Duty Appointments
Motion to Approve the following: Moved by Mr. Recca, seconded by Mr. Imperato.
Vote to Approve the following: (Approved)
10.3 Motion to Approve Schedule C - Non-Instructional Staff and Teaching Assistants
Motion to Approve the following: Moved by Ms. O'Leary, seconded by Mr. Imperato.
Vote to Approve the following: (Approved)
10.4 Motion to Approve Schedule D - Committee on Special Education (Confidential)
Motion to Approve the following: Moved by Ms. O'Leary, seconded by Mr. Imperato.
Vote to Approve the following: (Approved)
10.5 Motion to Approve Schedule E - Salary Reclassification for Professional Staff
Motion to Approve the following: Moved by Mr. Imperato, seconded by Ms. Smith.
Vote to Approve the following: (Approved)
Mrs. Matthews announced that on Thursday, March 6th at 8:30 a.m. in the Pupil Personnel Services Confernce Room, there will be a meeting for parents of Pelham preschool children who have already been classified and who will be transitioning into our schools. It is a great opportunity to ask questions and talk about our programs.
Mr. Rubbo reminded any and all parents who are considering or intend to send a student to a school outside of the district as of this coming September, should fill out an application for transportation services and forward it to the district business office by the deadline of April 1, 2014.
Motion to Approve to adjourn at approximately 11:13 p.m. Moved by Ms. O'Leary, seconded by Mrs. Gilland.
Vote to Approve to adjourn at approximately 11:13 p.m. (Approved)
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