Mr. Giarrizzo came before the Board and announced that tonight the 6-8 ELA and math results would be shared. Mr. Longobardi said that these assessments have become very important and that we utilize the data more than ever before. Mr. Llewellyn, Curriculum Supervisor, English 6-8, addressed changes in ELS testing and shared the Middle School’s response to the results. Ms. Sabia spoke about academic intervention services and other supports for struggling learners. Mr. Eicher took questions from the Board. Mrs. Vitale, Curriculum Supervisor for Math spoke about the math department’s response to the new cut scores and the areas that need to be addressed. Mrs. Vitale fielded questions from the Board.
Mr. Giarrizzo, following Mr. Eicher’s request, commented on the Investigations Math program.
Having deferred his opening remarks until now, Mr. Eicher took a few moments to address, among other things, the recent community communications received by himself and the Board, the new budget law, budget matters and process, and BOE committee meeting practices.
Community Engagement Committee Report
Mr. Hearle reminded everyone that public access channels 42 and 77 cover school district activities. He said that the committee would like to engage members of the community who feel that their voices are not being heard. He suggested community meetings be held before the upcoming budget hearings begin, during which the Board President and Vice President would hear and discuss a wide variety of topics.
Student Life Committee Report
Mrs. Kiernan reported that PACT and Pelham Guidance recently attended a meeting and spoke about the results of the student survey on drug and alcohol. These two groups will also present the survey results to the community at the November 17th Board meeting.
Finance Committee Report
Mr. Eicher announced that the treasurer’s report has a new format and that the committee approves of it. Some other items discussed were the sale of stock, the cafeteria fund, payroll direct deposit issues, debt service fund, update on capital fund project, and the expected reduction of state aid.